He is much more vocal now...the guy talks nonstop! :) He has such a fun and laid back personality...he is the absolute best! He started crawling shortly after Christmas. He mastered that pretty quickly and we have been on the go ever since! He is taking about 12 steps at a time now. He could totally walk if he wanted, but is just isn't confident enough yet. He apparently has grown, since he can now reach up and grab things off of the dining room table...:). Easter was fun. The easter bunny brought him a walk behind toy...he loves it!

He has also had three haircuts now! Here is pic just before his first haircut. He was very patient...and curious!

Going to the park is just the best thing ever! Emerson loves to watch the other kids play on the equipment...and he loves to play on it too!

This past weekend, he was even practicing walking down the aisle with Audrey at Aunt Kylie's upcoming wedding on July 9th. We can't wait! :)

And then his first birthday was here! Yesterday was Emerson's first birthday! I think he secretly chose to celebrate in his own way because he only napped for 30 minutes yesterday! He was pleasant though. We went out for some Huddles Frozen Yogurt last night. Emerson had cake batter yogurt with sprinkles on top! Here he is eating his yogurt!

His big 1st Birthday Party is Saturday! We are excited! I will be sure to post some pics soon after the party...I promise! We love you all! :)