Thursday, June 10, 2010

Growing Like a Weed...

We just can't believe how quickly our little man is growing! It's amazing. He changes so much every day! He is 17 days old today. On Monday, he lost his umbilical cord. Wednesday, after celebrating Kyle's birthday, it was bath night. Emerson got to use his big boy tub now that he lost his cord! Here he is...

He honestly did really well, but this picture is just so cute...and it's the only one we have that doesn't include his man parts! hehe
I weighed him at work this week too. I could not believe it when I saw that he weighed 10 lbs 5 oz! He has gained almost 2 pounds in 2.5 weeks! I think it goes without saying that he loves to eat! lol He decided to start sleeping 4 hours at night now too! I was so excited when I woke up and he had been asleep for 4 hours! It's amazing how the small things in life mean so much!


  1. So glad things are going so well. Emerson is almost as big as Noah!! He does like to eat. Take care and enjoy those 4 hour sleep stretches!!

  2. aw!! That's great that he's growing so quick! That means he's a healthy eater :). love ya.
